Monday, September 15, 2014

The Last 30 Days

 I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from you guys because I’d been a busy worker bee gearing up for the Memphis Comic Expo and I have so much I’d like to share with you guys.

First off, to say that the Expo was awesome would be an understatement. It was incredible. I met tons of nice people, sold some art and saw some amazing cos-players. THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO STOPPED MY TABLE!! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!
Since I made the announcement that I’d be apart of the Memphis Comic Expo, which was roughly a month ago, I immediately started working on new pieces to present. Most of these were digital illustrations but I also managed to complete one India Ink drawing to add to the collection. In total, I completed 5 all new pieces in less than 30 days.

The most interesting thing about this is that I can actually see the growth in my work, which is an indication to me of the limitless boundaries and infinite potential I can tap in to with just a little hard work. It’s amazing really. I went from really struggling with my first illustration of “Storm” to cruising through the last attempt of completing my last picture, which in and of itself, deserves a post all its own.
I took a chance and put myself out there, worked hard, and I’m so proud of the outcome. This is something I was talking to my sister recently about, believing in ones-self and just doing it. And it can be done!

So, in the posts to come, I want to share with you guys some of the art I completed over the last 30 days. So stay tuned, there is much more to come.