Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Portrait of Dick Gregory - B90x 90 Day Art Challenge - No. 8

©2014 B. Lewis

So it’s been over a month since my last B90x entry and it took me a little while to get inspired. I had gotten burned out. But a few days ago, I was watching a special on Dick Gregory and in an instant I was inspired again. In my mind’s eye I saw this really cool ink portrait of Dick Gregory and I knew it had to be done.

I began this process sitting down and I started to draw my under-sketch but because it had been quite a while since I’d worked on anything in traditional media (pen/pencil on paper) I got stomped and a little discouraged. So I moved from sitting to standing to draw the portrait and I was much more comfortable and was able to get into a groove rather quickly. After drawing the initial drawing with a hard lead (H pencil), I went back to my table and began inking.
Close up

I started with a light grey wash and blocked out the darker values then I was able to add detail. I used mostly ink and brush but switched to pen, adding really cool hatch marks that had dimension and texture to this drawing. Overall, it took a little over 3 hours and I’m definitely proud of this one! I even made a new logo intro for my videos to compliment it. I hope you guys like it!

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