Friday, June 13, 2014

Painting Alexander - Acrylic Portrait

"Alexander" ©2014 B. Lewis

Grid Sketch ©2014 B. Lewis
During a brief intermission from ink portraits, I was commissioned to do this wonderful portrait of a father and son. I was a bit nervous about this painting because the task involved enlarging an existing image and doing so accurately. Having a solid art foundation helped me overcome it (Thanks Mrs. Owens!!). Instead of free-handing the image, I found it best to create a grid. During the painting process there was still some tweaking that took place but all in all, being able to use the grid system to develop my under sketch worked like magic. The final product is a 16” x 20” Acrylic portrait and I’ve very happy about the outcome. I find that the more I paint or draw or do anything creative, the easier the next project becomes. Essentially, every project is practice for the next.

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