Thursday, March 12, 2015

Drawing Mr. Spock

So for those of you who don’t know, I am a Star Trek fan. I’ll take a marathon of Star Trek, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine or Voyager any day over some of the garbage that’s on TV now a days (thanks Netflix). And to celebrate one of the most popular characters of all, I wanted to do a portrait of Spock played by Leonard Nimoy who recently passed.

Spock ©2015 B. Lewis
I did this portrait as an ink drawing with an Ink and watercolor background and I must say, I had a blast doing it. Color is something I hadn’t incorporated in my ink portraits as of yet, but after doing this one, I think I may make a splash here and there with some color because it really does add a little oomph to the image.
Spock Close-Up ©2015 B. Lewis

With this project I wanted to challenge myself in a couple of ways, one being to make an interesting background and two was to compose my own image. Though they were both really small steps in this drawing, doing so really gave me some practice in using those creativity muscles that can sometimes go dormant when all I paint and draw is what I see with my external eyes and not my internal eyes. In other words only drawing what I see and not what I imagine and I think as an artist, there has to remain some sort of balance between the two. In doing so, the art becomes more personal and introspective; which may be a little too heavy for this particular piece but one can learn a lot about how an artist thinks, what he/she think about and what that artist has to say based on their subject matter, the manner in which they create and how their art makes us feel. More often than not though, we as artists’, myself included, sometimes just want to make a pretty picture and there are few feelings involved. I think it would be interesting for me to do more introspective work. Let's see what's really on my mind ^_^. Without blabbing on too much I'll leave you guys here. Here's to you Mr. Spock: